Columbia MSIE Curriculum at Columbia: Courses, Electives & Concentrations

MSIE is a 30-point STEM program on a full- or part-time basis. Students may start in the Fall or Spring. There are three concentrations: (1) Healthcare Management, (2) Regulated Industries and (3) Systems Engineering.

To facilitate with academic programming, students should complete a program plan to be reviewed by their advisor. All courses are for 3 credits, unless stated otherwise.



Students must take at least 18 points of graduate work in the IEOR Department (ie, courses with the following prefixes: IEOR, CSOR, ECIE, SIEO) and at least 30 at Columbia. Students can also take electives from various schools, such as Columbia Business School, the School of International and Public Affairs, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Law School. Courses taken from the School of Professional Studies will not be counted towards your degree (ie, courses with the following prefixes: ACTU, BUSI, COPR, IKNS, SUMA, FUND, and more).


The healthcare management concentration is for students who are interested in applying the methodology of operations research and industrial engineering to healthcare systems. Students take technical, operational and managerial electives that cover aspects of the healthcare context in order to identify, model, analyze operational improvements and innovations.

Students must complete at least 9 credits in total, where IEOR E4507 is required. Additional 6 or more electives can be chosen from the second list.


Additional Electives

The Regulated Industries concentration is for students who are interested in industrial engineering problems in regulated industries. Different professional interests will dictate different choices. Students take technical, legal, and managerial electives that cover aspects of businesses that are regulated by the government or other governing agencies.

Students must complete at least 9 credits in total (in consultation with their faculty advisor)

IEOR Departmental Electives

Law School Electives

Other Electives

The Systems Engineering concentration is for students who are interested in taking a holistic view of engineering and focusing on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed.

Systems Engineering Core

Infrastructure & Substainability Electives

Mechanical, Electrical & Computer Systems Electives

Biological Systems Electives