Columbia MSE Curriculum: Courses, Electives & Concentrations
The MS&E program is a three-semester program which can be completed within 12 months. Students enter in the Fall term and can either finish their coursework at the end of the following August, or alternatively, have the option to take the Summer term off (e.g. for an internship) and complete their coursework by the end of the following Fall term. Students are required to take the equivalent of 12 three-credit courses (36 credits).
Students must take at least 6 courses within the IEOR Department (18 credits), 3 to 6 courses at the Business School, and the remaining courses (if any) within the School of Engineering, the School of International and Public Affairs, the Law School, or the Departments of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics.
Students in residence during the Summer term take 2 to 4 Business School courses in the third (Summer) semester in order to complete their program. Students in the MS&E program may select from seven concentrational tracks.
To facilitate with academic programming, students should complete a program plan to be reviewed by their advisor.
Courses with a FINC, DROM or MGMT designation are Business School courses. Courses with IEOR, IEME, CSOR designations are IEOR department courses. The curriculum breakdown is presented below.
- B8000
- Optimization and Simulation Bootcamp (0-credit)
- 4399
- MSE Quantitative Bootcamp (0-credit)
- E4004
- Optimization Models and Methods
- E4101
- Probability, Statistics and Simulation
- E4111
- Operations Consulting (all year course)
- E4000
- Professional Development Leadership (0-credit)
- E4102
- Stochastic Models
MS&E students must also complete 18 credits of Semi-Core Requirements.
The Semi-Core requirements are split up into 3 categories: (1) Decision, Risk & Operations Electives (DRO), (2) Analysis Electives, and (3) Management Electives. Students are required to complete 9 credits from the DRO category. They are also required to have at least 3 credits from the Analysis electives and at least 3 credits from the Management electives, for a total of 9 credits between the two categories.
Students can refer to the CBS Approved Course Listing for additional electives that can satisfy the Semi-Core requirements.
- DROM B8107-060/061 Service Operations
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- DROM B8110-060/061 Game-Theoretic Business Strategy
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8114-060 Applied Regression Analysis, 1.5 credits
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- DROM B8123-060 Demand and Supply Analytics
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- DROM B8131-060 Sports Analytics
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- DROM B8510-060 Managerial Negotiations
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4650 Business Analytics
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8105-060 Healthcare Analytics, 1.5 credits
- Fall
- Spring
- DROM B8106-060/061 Operations Strategy
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8108-060 Supply Chain Analytics (same as IEOR E4108)
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8116-060 Risk Management
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8143-060 Foundations of AI for Business, 1.5 credits
- Fall
- Spring
- X
- DROM B8153-060 People Analytics: Creating Business Value from Data, 1.5 credits
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- DROM B8159-060 Digital Marketplaces
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- Fall
- Spring
- CSOR E4231 Analysis of Algorithms I
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4407 Game Theoretic Models of Operationsor ECON S4415 Game Theory (may not take both IEOR E4407 and ECON 4415)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4501 Tools for Analytics*
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4523 Data Analytics
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for Financial Engineering & Operations Research
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4526 Analytics on the Cloud*
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4530 AI and Optimization in Games and Markets
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4533 Performance, Objectives & Results Using Data Analytics (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4534 Applied Analytics: from Data to Decisions
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4540 Data Mining for Engineers
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4579 Modern Recommendation Systems (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4742 Deep Learning for Operations Research & Financial Engineering
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E6617 Machine Learning & High-Dimensional Data Analysis in OR
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- ORCS E4529 Reinforcement Learning
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4520 Applied Systems Engineering
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4532 Visualization & Storytelling with Data (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4008 Computational Discrete Optimization
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4312 Application of OR & AI Techniques in Marketing, 1.5 credits
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4405 Production Scheduling
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4418 Transportation Analytics & Logistics
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4507 Healthcare Operations Management
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4521 System Engineering Tools & Methods
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4544 Statistical Methods for Analytics
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4571 Distribution Systems
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4574 Analytics Engineering
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4575 Technology for Real Estate & The Built Environment (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4577 AI for Operations Research (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4579 Machine Learning in Practice
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4601 Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E8100-001 Matching Markets & Algorithms (Please seek approval from your faculty advisor; to be reviewed and approved on case by case basis.)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEME E4200 Human-Centered Design & Innovation
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4402 Corporate Finance, Accounting & Investment Banking (may not take both IEOR E4402 and IEOR E4403)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4403 Quantitative Corporate Finance (may not take both IEOR E4402 and IEOR E4403)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4506 Designing Digital Operating Models
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4570 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Engineers (2-Day Course, 1.5 credits)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4578 Startup Fundamentals
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4711 Global Capital Markets (may not take both IEOR E4711 and FINC B8306)
- Fall
- x
- Spring
- IEOR E4563 Technology Breakthroughs (1.5 credits)
- Fall
- Spring
- FINC B8307-060 Advanced Corporate Finance
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4177 Think Bigger (Co-listed with CBS MGMT B8577)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4412 Quality Control and Management
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4505 Operations Research in Public Policy
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4510 Project Management
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- IEOR E4550 Entrepreneurial Business Creation for Engineers
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4560 Lean LaunchPad (Blockweek Course, application only)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4561 Launch Your Startup: Tech
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4562 Innovate Using Design Thinking (Blockweek Course Co-listed with CBS)
- Fall
- Spring
- IEOR E4998 Managing Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Fall
- Spring
- x
- ORCS E4201 Policy for Privacy Technologies
- Fall
- Spring
- x
Breadth Electives
The breadth electives (6 credits) can be selected from the Business School, the School of Engineering, the School of International and Public Affairs, the Law School, or the Departments of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics.
Electives are selected under the advisement of the student's advising team. Courses taken from the School of Professional Studies will not be counted towards the M.S. degree (i.e. courses with the following prefixes: ACTU, BUSI, COPR, IKNS, SUMA, FUND, and more).
Students can refer to the CBS Approved Course Listing for additional electives that can satisfy the Breadth Electives requirements.
Students may select from six (7) specialized concentrations
Select at least three (3) courses
- DROM B8106 Operations Strategy (For Spring 2020, this course has been extended to 3 credits)
- DROM B8106 Operations Strategy (For Spring 2020, this course has been extended to 3 credits)
- DROM B8107 Service Operations
- DROM B8107 Service Operations
- DROM B8110 Business Analytics Strategy
- DROM B8110 Business Analytics Strategy
- DROM B8127 Immersion Seminar: Big Data, 1.5 credits
- DROM B8127 Immersion Seminar: Big Data, 1.5 credits
- DROM B8131 Sports Analytics
- DROM B8131 Sports Analytics
- IEOR E4312 Applications of OR & AI Techniques in Marketing, 1.5 credits
- IEOR E4312 Applications of OR & AI Techniques in Marketing, 1.5 credits
- IEOR E4501 Tools for Analytics
- IEOR E4501 Tools for Analytics
- IEOR E4505 Operations Research in Public Policy
- IEOR E4505 Operations Research in Public Policy
- IEOR E4523 Data Analytics
- IEOR E4523 Data Analytics
- IEOR E4507 Healthcare Operations Management
- IEOR E4507 Healthcare Operations Management
- IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for Financial Engineering & Operations Research
- IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for Financial Engineering & Operations Research
- IEOR E4540 Data Mining for Engineers
- IEOR E4540 Data Mining for Engineers
- IEOR E4650 Business Analytics
- IEOR E4650 Business Analytics
- IEOR E4742 Deep Learning for Operations Research & Financial Engineering
- IEOR E4742 Deep Learning for Operations Research & Financial Engineering
- ORCS E4529 Reinforcement Learning
- ORCS E4529 Reinforcement Learning
Select at least three (3) courses
- DROM B8116 Risk Management
- DROM B8116 Risk Management
- DROM B8122 MSE Game-Theoretic Business Strategy
- DROM B8122 MSE Game-Theoretic Business Strategy
- DROM B8123 Demand and Supply Analytics
- DROM B8123 Demand and Supply Analytics
- DROM B8816 Quantitative Pricing and Revenue Analytics, 1.5 credits
- DROM B8816 Quantitative Pricing and Revenue Analytics, 1.5 credits
- FINC B8307 Advanced Corporate Finance
- FINC B8307 Advanced Corporate Finance
- IEOR E4008 Computational Discrete Optimization
- IEOR E4008 Computational Discrete Optimization
- IEORE4402 Corporate Finance, Accounting & Investment Banking or IEORE4403 Quantitative Corporate Finance (may not take both IEOR E4402 and IEOR E4403)
- IEORE4402 Corporate Finance, Accounting & Investment Banking or IEORE4403 Quantitative Corporate Finance (may not take both IEOR E4402 and IEOR E4403)
- IEOR E4407 Game Theoretic Models of Operation
- IEOR E4407 Game Theoretic Models of Operation
- IEOR E4601 Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management
- IEOR E4601 Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management
- IEOR E4711 Global Capital Markets
- IEOR E4711 Global Capital Markets
Select at least three (3) courses
- DROM/MGMT B8510 Managerial Negotiations
- DROM/MGMT B8510 Managerial Negotiations
- DROM B8858 Data-Driven Entrepreneurship
- DROM B8858 Data-Driven Entrepreneurship
- IEOR E4506 Designing Digital Operating Models
- IEOR E4506 Designing Digital Operating Models
- IEOR E4510 Project Management
- IEOR E4510 Project Management
- IEOR E4550 Entrepreneurial Business Creation for Engineers
- IEOR E4550 Entrepreneurial Business Creation for Engineers
- IEOR E4560 Lean LaunchPad (Blockweek Course, application only)
- IEOR E4560 Lean LaunchPad (Blockweek Course, application only)
- IEOR E4561 Launch Your Startup: Tech (Co-Listed w. MGMT B8519-002)
- IEOR E4561 Launch Your Startup: Tech (Co-Listed w. MGMT B8519-002)
- IEOR E4562 Innovate Using Design Thinking (Blockweek Course)
- IEOR E4562 Innovate Using Design Thinking (Blockweek Course)
- IEOR E4570 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Engineers, 1.5 Credits (3-Day Course)
- IEOR E4570 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Engineers, 1.5 Credits (3-Day Course)
- IEOR E4998 Managing Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- IEOR E4998 Managing Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- IEME E4200 Human-Centered Design & innovation
- IEME E4200 Human-Centered Design & innovation
Select at least three (3) courses
- DROM B8106 Operations Strategy (For Spring 2020, this course has been extended to 3 credits)
- DROM B8106 Operations Strategy (For Spring 2020, this course has been extended to 3 credits)
- DROM B8107 Service Operations
- DROM B8107 Service Operations
- DROM B8108 Supply Chain Analytics
- DROM B8108 Supply Chain Analytics
- DROM B8123 Demand & Supply Analytics
- DROM B8123 Demand & Supply Analytics
- IEOR E4405 Production Scheduling
- IEOR E4405 Production Scheduling
- IEOR E4412 Quality Control & Management
- IEOR E4412 Quality Control & Management
- IEOR E4418 Transportation Analytics & Logistics
- IEOR E4418 Transportation Analytics & Logistics
- IEOR E4520 Applied Systems Engineering
- IEOR E4520 Applied Systems Engineering
- IEOR E4521 System Engineering, Tools & Methods
- IEOR E4521 System Engineering, Tools & Methods
Select at least nine (9) credits of courses
- DROM B8816 Quantitative Pricing & Revenue Analytics
- DROM B8816 Quantitative Pricing & Revenue Analytics
- DROM B9122 Computing for Business Research
- DROM B9122 Computing for Business Research
- IEOR E4500 Applications Programming for Financial Engineering
- IEOR E4500 Applications Programming for Financial Engineering
- IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for Financial Engineering & Operations Research
- IEOR E4525 Machine Learning for Financial Engineering & Operations Research
- IEOR E4574 Technology Innovation in Financial Services, 1.5 Credits
- IEOR E4574 Technology Innovation in Financial Services, 1.5 Credits
- IEOR E4742 Deep Learning for OR & FE
- IEOR E4742 Deep Learning for OR & FE
- IEOR E4725 Big Data in Finance
- IEOR E4725 Big Data in Finance
- MRKT B8649 Pricing Strategies
- MRKT B8649 Pricing Strategies
- MRKT B8696 Data Driven Dollars
- MRKT B8696 Data Driven Dollars
Select at least nine (9) credits of courses; where IEOR E4507 is required
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4507 Healthcare Operations Management (Required)
- Healthcare Management Courses
- Additional Electives:
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4405 Production Scheduling
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4412 Quality Control & Management
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4510 Project Management
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4505 Operations Research in Public Policy
- Healthcare Management Courses
- IEOR E4521 Systems Engineering, Tools & Methods
- Healthcare Management Courses
- DROM B8107 Service Operations
- Healthcare Management Courses
- DROM/MGMT B8510 Managerial Negotiations
- Healthcare Management Courses
- DROM B8105 Human Resource Analytics
- Healthcare Management Courses
- DROM B8106 Operations Strategy (For Spring 2020, this course has been extended to 3 credits)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8636 Product Management (Management elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8632 Digital Product Management Lab (Management elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- IEOR 4650 Business Analytics (Analytics elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B7106 Operations Strategy (DROM elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8110 Game Theoretic Business Strategy (DROM elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8510 Managerial Negotiations (DROM elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8107 Service Operations Management (DROM elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8610 Growth Hacking (Breadth)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8009 Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation (Breadth elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- IEOR 4573 Performance, Objectives & Key Results (Breadth elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):
- B8649 Pricing Strategies (Breadth elective)
- Select at least nine credits from the following list (B8636 is required):