Operations Research (BSOR)

Dive Into Quantitative Decision-making
Operations Research is an applied science, and is concerned with quantitative decision problems, generally involving the allocation and control of limited resources. At the undergraduate level, it offers foundational courses in probability, statistics, applied mathematics, simulation, optimization, with professionally oriented operations research courses. The curriculum is well suited for students with an aptitude for mathematics applications. It prepares graduates for professional employment as operations research analysts, e.g., with professional services, financial services, and big technology organizations. We also cultivate students for continued graduate studies in operations research, business, medicine, law, or other disciplines.
Electives for the Operations Research Program
The undergraduate Operations Research program requires a total of twelve (12) points of technical electives equivalent to four (4) courses. Two of the four courses must have an IEOR designation.
- ORCA 2500: Foundations of Data Science (only if taken by the end of sophomore year)
- APMA E4300: Introduction to Numerical Models
- CIEN E4010: Transportation Engineering
- CIEN E4011/4111 Infrastructure Systems Optimization
- CIEN E3129: Managing Engineering and Construction Processes
- CIEN E4130: Design of Construction Systems
- CIEN E4138: Real Estate Finance for Construction Management
- COMS W3157: Advanced Programming
- COMS W3203: Discrete Mathematics
- COMS W3261: Computer Science Theory
- CSOR E4231: Analysis of Algorithms
- EAEE E4002: Alternative Energy Resources
- EAEE E4011: Industrial Ecology of Manufacturing
- EAEE E4150: Air Pollution Prevention & Control
- EAEE E4160: Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- ECON W4020: Economics of Information
- ECON W4280: Corporate Finance
- ECON W4615: Law and Economics
- ELEN E3201: Circuit Analysis
- ELEN E3701: Introduction to Communication Systems and Network
- ELEN E3801: Signals and Systems
- MEIE E4810: Introduction to Humans in Space Flight
- IEOR E4418: Transportation Analytics and Logistics
- IEOR E4500: Applications Programming for Financial Engineering
- IEOR E4505: Operations Research in Public Policy (will count only if taken in excess of core requirement)
- IEOR E4506: Designing Digital Operating Models
- IEOR E4507: Healthcare Operations Management (will count only if taken in excess of core requirement)
- IEOR E4510: Project Management
- IEOR E4511: Industry Projects in Analytics
- IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering
- IEOR E4521: Systems Engineering: Tools and Methods
- IEOR E4525: Machine Learning for OR & FE
- IEOR E4526: Analytics on the Cloud
- IEOR E4540: Data Mining for Engineers
- IEOR E4212: Data Analytics and Python for OR
- IEOR E4601: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
- IEOR E4650: Business Analytics (will count only if taken in excess of core requirement)
- IEOR E4700: Introduction to Financial Engineering (will count only if taken in excess of core requirement)
- IEOR E4711: Global Capital Markets
- MATH V4061: Introduction to Modern Analysis Intro to Modern Analysis, I
- MATH V4062: Introduction to Modern Analysis Intro to Modern Analysis, II
- MSAE E3010: Introduction to Materials Science I
- MSAE E3011:Introduction to Materials Science II
- MSAE E4215: Mechanical Behavior of Structural Materials
- ORCS E4200: Data Driven Decision Modeling
- ORCS E4529: Reinforcement Learning
- STAT W4282: Linear Regression and Time Series Methods
If there are other electives of interest, the student should bring the course description to his or her faculty advisor for review.